Managed by

Flying Squad 10111
Flying Squad / Mobile 112
Victim Support Unit 073-280-4453
24/7 Security Services 011-444-2237
AMBULANCE / FIRE 011-375-5911
PNRA Administrator 073-633-4560

"There are TWO major determinants of community safety.
One is how many neighbours we know by name. The other is how often we are present and associated in public - outside our houses. Police activity is a minor protection compared to these two community actions.
- John McKnight & Peter Block,
The Abundant Community

24/7 is the security service provider of choice for Parktown North!
The PNRA is pleased to announce that it has joined forces with 24/7 Security Services to provide armed response and public space security for Parktown North.
24/7 has expressed their willingness to work in partnership with the PNRA for the benefit of our community.
The PNRA Security Scheme will be managing and administering the services provided by 24/7 in terms of a Service Level Agreement between the PNRA and 24/7.
Lee-Ann Louverdis
Chairperson, PNRA
26 September 2016
1. In 2016, the PNRA exclusively negotiated a bulk pricing for residents for public space security; and for alarm monitoring, armed response & public space security.
CLICK HERE for up-to-date rates.
2. The security company that was appointed subsequent to a tender, 24/7 Security, is the same company that dramatically reduced crime and increased the desirability of property ownership in Parkview and Forest Town.
3. Residents will pay into an audited PNRA account that will be administered by elected representatives. 24/7 will be paid from that account and surplus funds will be dedicated to improving public safety of Parktown North. This also means that if 24/7 does not meet the service levels agreed to, the community has the power to hold 24/7 to account and to withdraw its support of 24/7 in favour of another security company.
4. By law, you only need to give 1 month's notice to cancel your current contract.
5. The PNRA has negotiated that a radio transmitter will be supplied and installed free of charge.
6. Even if fewer households join, for now, 24/7 have committed to a presence during our start-up phase.
7. Glynis van Zuydam of Jawitz Properties has confirmed that "successful Residents' Associations, and more particularly those with well-run security schemes, increase the desirability of a suburb." Theodore Brickhill of Sotheby's adds that the SafeParkview scheme of Parkview Residents' Association has turned Parkview from a suburb into a highly sought after village.
PNRA Security Presentation:
An independent crime threat analysis shows that SafeParks' solution does not serve the best interests of the Parktown North community because:
1. The CCTV Surveillance System solution proposed by SafeParks is NOT the much-touted panacea to crime that the community is being led to believe.
2. There are more effective ways in which to spend the community's money.
3. SafeParks is not mandated to impose their preferred solution onto our community. In the meantime, the PNRA has been given a clear mandate at this year's
AGM to continue invetigating a best-fit solution for Parktown North.
4. ADT and CORTAC continue to provide reactive and pro-active security in Parktown North. Neither of the companies has abandoned the community.
5. The PNRA is actively MANAGING the services of both ADT and CORTAC.
6. In the opinion of the PNRA, it would NOT serve the community's best interests for a THIRD security service provider to be prematurely forced into the suburb.
7. The PNRA's approach is that ALL major security service provders, both in the public space and in the private space, should be obliged to work TOGETHER to
fight crime in Parktown North. SafeParks, however, works only in the best interest of the security service provider that IT has unilaterally chosen.
The PNRA holds firm to the maxim that one cannot plan PERFECT SECURITY (due largely to budget constraints), but that one should plan APPROPRIATE SECURITY.
24 June 2015. CLICK HERE for the Full Security Report.

Say NO!
Say “NO!” to anyone who might suggest a security solution, including Parksec (soon to be renamed SafeParks) until all the available options have been communicated to you, and you can thereby become part of the decision making process!
Currently, ALL possible options are being researched by the PNRA and will be presented to the Parktown North Community within the next few weeks.
What we are finding, is that although there is definite merit in working with others on matters of common interest, including security, our suburb is distinct in many respects from neighbouring suburbs.
The cost implications of any security solution are significant. And we believe that the community has a right to be fully informed of the options, so that you are able to make an informed decision.
The Parktown North Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association has researched crime statistics specifically for Parktown North. This has informed our strategy of procuring, towards the end of 2014, the services of an independent security professional with a high degree of skill and knowledge in the field, to provide in-depth information and advice pertinent to Parktown North specifically.
Discussions with him are continuing, and the information and advice we receive will be shared with you shortly. You will then be able - and still free - to make an informed decision.
What we can share with you now, is that our security professional has warned that individual street camera systems are unlikely to be easily compatible with a suburb-wide integrated CCTV system.
In the meantime we urge you NOT to be persuaded to commit to contracts with a security provider
whose mandate does not conform to a specification which is most appropriate for our own suburb, but has to be ‘loose’ enough to accommodate the disparate requirements of more than one suburb.
In short, for the time being, we suggest that you keep your options open and be hesitant to adopt an option which does not best suit your own interests.
Our next bulletin in respect of Parktown North’s Public Space Security will be issued in March 2015.